"You are easy to work with and I appreciate it."
P.K., Denver
PRIOR TO SALE: Notices of Sale are emailed to you each Wednesday night. The sale date shown in the data is the first scheduled sale date for the property; the property will not be sold before this date. However, sale dates can be postponed (or "continued") at the discretion of the foreclosing party.
PUBLIC TRUSTEE SALE: Sales are held promptly at 10:00 am each Thursday for Denver County and Wednesday for the other Boulder-Denver-metro counties. Summit County holds their sales on Fridays. The bidding begins with the initial bid offered by the foreclosing lender. (Sucessful bid information is emailed to you every Wednesday night).
If you are the highest bidder you must tender funds for the total amount of your bid to the office of the Public Trustee. Call the county to find out what time the funds are due, which forms they require and if they have additional rules for bidding.
Title to the property does NOT transfer at the time of sale. The highest bidder is issued a Certificate of Purchase, which grants the holder rights to a Public Trustee's Deed at the end of all redemption periods. A Duplicate Certificate of Purchase will be recorded at the Clerk and Recorder's office and held in their file.